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MOVE Fest hledáčkem
Kamila Hauptmanna

Ohlédněte se s námi za vydařeným ročníkem MOVE Festu, který opět v Ostravě rozproudil energii tance, nového cirkusu a fyzického divadla. Od fascinujících akrobatických výkonů, přes dojemná taneční vystoupení, až po zářivé úsměvy našich malých i velkých diváků – každý okamžik byl plný pohybu, emocí a nadšení. Prohlédněte si ty nejlepší momenty v naší fotogalerii a znovu prožijte nezapomenutelné chvíle, které tento ročník přinesl!

MOVE Fest Ostrava 2024 - about how the dance of life forces us to leave safe shores to discover uncharted waters

We invite you to the 11th annual festival of contemporary dance, physical theater and the new circus, which will take place in the beating heart and undiscovered corners of Ostrava from September 25 to 29, 2024 . The number 11 is seen in some Native American cultures as a symbol of natural and natural cycle and rebirth. And in order for the cycle to be renewed and the rebirth to be completed, it is necessary to let go. Abandon the old, unnecessary, dysfunctional, unsatisfactory or simply abandon and change direction. And because letting go is also a movement, it is the ideal theme for this year's edition.

The program will offer you a series of 11 Czech and international movement performances across genres, 1 outdoor performance project, 1 interactive installation and a rich accompanying program in the form of screenings of dance films, movement workshops, discussions and activities (not only) for cultural journalists and critics.

That's why you can already look forward to 5 unforgettable days full of movement, experiences and meetings, which will take place in a dramaturgical arc between the ceremonial opening with the powerful dance duet Where and the top Swedish new circus performance Les/Forrest .

MOVE Fest Ostrava will start the intimate and perfect interplay of Thalia-awarded Helena Arenbergerová and Václav Kuneš in an intergenerational movement dialogue in the Poklad House of Culture in Porub. It was created as part of the 42+PEOPLE project, which focuses on thematizing the careers of performers older than 42 years . The final performance stands at the apparent opposite of the genre - a project by the young Swedish new circus company Right Way Down , which is literally based on the handbalancing technique, but transforms it into a modern, dynamic and audience-attractive approach. Against the background of the gloomy Forest, a new life, a new hope, a new ecosystem and a new concept of a new circus will slowly but surely erupt on the stage.

Between these two imaginary highlights of the festival program, you will find no less significant performative pieces, such as the result of the Slovak-Italian co-production YOLT - You Only Live Twice , which will make you laugh, think, balance and question. Or the strong moving documentary drama of the Slovak ensemble ODIVO Vnorená/Immersed, which really goes to the core of the festival's theme of abandonment.

Lighter, playful and even suitable for the (smallest) audience - we present such performances in Studio G. The puppet Nutcracker - Vegetable ballet to the iconic music of PI Tchaikovsky for garlic, ginger, eggplant, six walnuts and one rat awaits you here, and in Puppet Theater Ostrava then a big theater about the small and even smaller things of the Microcosms.

Is your head spinning and would you rather let this article gp? Well, you can get acquainted with the next program of coming companies and performers who will tell their stories of departures and farewells, but also of renewal and hope at the festival here. Get ready for performances that will engage your senses and mind and encourage you to contemplate the lifelong cycle of letting go and receiving, this never-ending movement forward.

Come and experience a performance art festival where letting go means a new beginning !

Did you know that MOVE Fest Valmez also takes place in September?


MOVE Fest Ostrava 2023 through the eyes

of cameraman Petr Rehanek

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