Carcinogenic romance
TITS a The Studio Rubín
The company TITS was originally supposed to come to Ostrava with its performance The Cult Of Busy. Due to unexpected complications however, they will bring their newer one to us piece Tumor: Carcinogenic romance. We believe that you will forgive us this change and you will also enjoy this great spectacle of Nella Kornetová.
Can we love something that tries to kill us?
Combine movement, visuality and word. Then add cancer - in its somatic, mental, social and spiritual form. Does every time have a disease? What is rampant in us and our society? What phenomena resemble her suspiciously? Is it possible to love something that can kill us?
Tumor: A carcinogenic romance under the slogan: "You're here. And that's the way it is. ”Shows those who imagined it could happen. And suddenly it's here. And there's nothing you can do about it. Or? The co-production of the international group TITS and A of the Rubín studio represents everything - from timid growth through finding symbiosis to painful detachment. Sometimes he complements everything with the necessary humor, sometimes he reveals everything down to the most painful truth. But he still speaks openly about what we ourselves sometimes often talk badly about.
What is written about Tumor?
About the project
Author: TITS
Text: Dagmar Radová & TITS
Concept & direction: Nela H. Kornetová
Dramaturgy: Dagmar Radová and Lucie Ferenzová
Scenography & video: Jan Hajdelak Husták
Music & sound: Ondřej Sifon Anděra
Movement cooperation: Matthew Rogers
Acknowledgments: Lærke Grøntved
Starring: Nela H. Kornetová & Jaro Viňarský
Supported by:
A Studio Rubín, Studio Alta, Invalidity Initiative, Next Wave, L1 association, Visegrad Fund, Fund for benefiting artists, Artist's Life Foundation