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Losers Cirque Company


What do we perceive when we are unconscious?

Car accident, anesthesia, coma. Any of these terrible situations can cause a state of unconsciousness. The body lies in the operating room and our lives are in other people's hands. But what are we experiencing at that moment?


Are we sitting on a stick and listening to a favorite song?  Are we following a dark tunnel with light at the end?  Or are we wrestling with imaginary characters?


HEROES will introduce you to the heroes of the struggle between real operation and our inner world of unconsciousness. The goal of their mission is one - survival.  

The star Czech mime Radim Vizváry and the leading new circus group Losers Cirque Company will perform on the stage in the roles of heroes. The conductor of their play is Daniel Špinar, the head of drama at the National Theater. An ideal combination for a contemporary dance festival and a new circus, don't you think?

What is written about Heroes?

About the project

Directed by:  Daniel Špinar
  Radim Vizváry
  Ivo Sedlacek
  Petra Vlachynská
  Petr Horníček
Light design:
  Michael Bláha, Amar Mulabegovic
  Karel Marik
  United Arts

They act:  Radim Vizváry, Jindřich Panský, Matyáš Ramba, Vítězslav Ramba, Lukáš Macháček, Jiří Bělka, Mates Petrák, Jana Telcová, Kristýna Stránská, Martina Illichová, Nikola Kopáčová.


Premiere 23.8. 2019 at the Letní Letná festival.

The project is supported  The City of Prague and the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.

Project partners:  Letní Letná, Prague City Hall, Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, CIRQUEON, United Arts, Walldesign,  We Hate Ironing

The festival is realized with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, Moravian-Silesian Region  and the Statutory City of Ostrava. Thank you for your support.

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