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|  19:00  |


The international immersive performance Kobro_Spaces is based on a revolutionary one  approach to the sculpture of Polish avant-garde artist Katarzyna Kobro, who  was one of the stimuli for revolutionary changes in the perception of fine art.

The aim of the whole creative team was to find a functional model that would allow to translate theoretical considerations about the nature and function of sculpture from avant-garde thinking into contemporary performative, choreographic and social communication languages. Nevertheless, the performance is not only a formal analysis of shifts in the history of sculpture, but also a story about the search for new impulses and ideas.

Director Dawid Żakowski describes Kobro Spaces as follows: “We would like to create a performative space open to the viewer. The performance consists of undefined movement of spectators and movement of performers - structured and determined by the framework of space-time, designed by choreographers. This joint exhibit creates a kind of algorithm of behavior, movements, migrations, which take place in the space-time level. "

Concept and direction: Dawid Żakowski
Curator: Zofia Urszula Komasa
Dramaturgy: Patrycja Babicka
Choreography: Kat Rampáčková (SK), Martin Talaga (CZ), Agnieszka Kryst (PL); Jana Ryslava (CZ)
Performers: Borys Jaźnicki, Paweł Mandziewski, Michał Tokarski, Eliška Jirsová
Music: Kasai, Agim
Video: Kristóf Szabó (HU);
Lightdesign and scene: Tadeusz Perkowski
Costumes: ZUK Studio
Production: Ive Ostrowska, Karolina Dziełak-Żakowska / Nowa Sztuka Association

Performance presentation co-financed by Capital City of Warsaw and Adam Mickiewicz Institute.


Kobro Spaces is part of the international project Embodied Ideas, which was created by merging Sztuka Nowa (Warsaw, Poland), Priestore Súčašného Tanca (Košice, Slovakia), Move Ostrava (Ostrava, Czech Republic) and Ziggurat Project (Budapest, Hungary). The result is joint research into the heritage of the avant-garde in the Visegrad Four countries.

The festival is realized with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, Moravian-Silesian Region  and the Statutory City of Ostrava. Thank you for your support.

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