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Jonatán Vnouček and Michaela Stará
Johnny & Jenny

SUN 3/10 14:00

Admission is voluntary
A Johnny service racer performs his daily routine when a relentless, insidious girl stands in his way. Unexpected manipulation puns, precise dynamic action and a bit of magic to it. Jonatán Vnouček and Michaela Stará will introduce you to a grotesque or comic book battle for control of toilets.
#groteska #cirkus #pantomime #toitoi #deti # od5let #vtip #pohyb #komiks
@dumkulturymestaostravy @michaela_stara @johnnyservis_cz
The performance is suitable for children from 5 years.
Duration 45 minutes
Performers: Jonatán Vnouček and Michaela Stará
Dramaturgical and directing collaboration: Ondřej Holba
Supervision: Lukáš Houdek
Photo: Matouš Bičák
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